Trying to program my ancient television set with an early model of what might be known today as a remote control: a disaster in learning.
It was around 1996, and I was around seven. I got my own tiny-screened (yet bulky) television set which my parents had strapped down in the Lincoln Navigator that felt like home on long road trips.
Of course that only means I was a spoiled brat.
When the TV wasn't in the car, it was in my room. And there the set sits still.
For a while, it worked pretty successfully, correctly playing our (comparably) new satellite channels. Somehow, though, it went back to old-TV mode. I struggled finding the minuscule buttons which, when pressed, would bring the satellite back.
One combination of pressing "Menu" and "Select" over and over got me to a screen that just read, "PROGRAM 12345678" with the numbers blinking. Surely, I thought, pressing the channel numbers would do something.
Nothing. So I tried some more "Menu" and "Select" and practically every other button remotely (see what I did there?) related to programs and numbers.
When Ape finally discovered how to use two vague buttons to control a TV, Ape tried to set the time and date.

The default year displayed was 1996. I couldn't enter any year before that. I went up to 2010 and tried to go higher, but it wouldn't let me. So either the TV knows it's not 2011 yet, or it knows its end is near. Either way, it